Customers demand it, so do legislators and nature even more so. Sustainability has become a key issue for companies. As part of the Würth Group, we have also embarked on a short, medium and long-term journey to become more sustainable as a company.

We have taken small and large steps to achieve this and have already set many things in motion. Here we show you various measures that we have taken on the road to greater sustainability.


Admittedly: Ideally, there would be no need for any filling material at all in a shipping box so that the products arrive at our customers without any damage during transport. As this is not possible, we only use 100% recyclable padding material. This applies to both paper cushions and bubble wrap. Air cushions are therefore a resource-saving solution per se, as they consist of 99% air and only 1% film. The AIRplus film we use is also a bubble wrap made from 100% recycled material, which is produced from both post-industry and post-consumer waste, saving around 30% of greenhouse gases according to the manufacturer.


A seemingly small, minor step, but an important one: we send our invoices exclusively electronically or digitally. This not only saves a huge amount of paper for invoices, envelopes and stamps, but also transport costs and much more.
Here is a small calculation:
DEKO-LIGHT issues around 45,000 invoices per year, with an average of one page. As one tree provides an average of 8,500 sheets of paper, five trees had to be felled every year to produce this amount of invoices!


We are gradually converting our fleet to electric and hybrid vehicles. Thanks to increasing electric ranges and the nationwide expansion of the charging station network, the vehicles are also increasingly suitable for customer visits that do not take place directly on our own doorstep.

Eight charging stations are currently available on our company premises so that our employees can charge their existing electric and hybrid vehicles without having to make time-consuming and energy-intensive detours. Further charging stations will follow in the future as we continue to expand our fleet of electric and hybrid vehicles.


The photovoltaic system on the roof of our company building has been in operation since the beginning of 2023 and supplies around 231,000 kWh of electricity. In addition to our own consumption, we feed more than 75 per cent of the energy generated into the power grid.

Power of the PV system: 239,4 kWp (Peak load)
PV area: 1.156 m³ (spread over three roofs)
Annual yield: 231.000 kWh
CO² emissions avoided: 108.500 kg/year


DEKO-LIGHT is part of the Würth Group and supports the overarching transformation strategy of the globally active Group. Here we present the three areas of transformation in which the Würth Group, and therefore we too, want to make the transition to a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.



We want to become CO²-neutral and no longer emit any net greenhouse gases.
We want to close material cycles and decouple economic growth from resource utilisation.


We want to establish transparent supply chains and leave no one, neither people nor regions, in the lurch.

Every year we feel the effects of climate change more strongly. What not so long ago still felt like a statistical problem or only reached us in the form of news from all over the world has reached a new dimension, at the latest with the flood disaster in the Ahr valley. Branches of the Würth Group, to which DEKO-LIGHT has belonged for many years, have also been affected by flood and tornado damage.
We all want to play our part in working, producing and living more sustainably. For this reason, we have taken measures on both a small and large scale and will continue to do so in the future. We are proud of this and you can count on it!

Managing Director Janosch Sohns